Any Soldier Inc.
Success Stories 2007:

"Your organization's troop postings help our citizens show their steadfast support for our Armed Forces,
and I am grateful."
President George W. Bush    (Complete letter HERE.)

"By establishing an extensive network of U.S. soldiers available to distribute letters and care packages from home, Any Soldier Inc. has taken a leadership role in making sure the men and women of our military receive vital emotional support in their times of greatest need."
New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg    (Complete letter HERE.)

"I may not be American but there is no harm in supporting you guys, because at the end of the day these soldiers are the ones that keep us safe in our beds at night."
Cassandra O., London, United Kingdom

"I did look up the site and it is quite impressive. The stories from the deployed troops are quite interesting and it is clear that you are making a difference. Keep up the great work I will certainly promote the program anyway I can."
MG Guy C. Swan III, Commanding General, US Army Military District of Washington

"Soldiers can rely on several things in a combat zone and one of the new additions is the outstanding support from our fellow Americans at"
LTC Craig Triscari, Battalion Executive Officer, Iraq

"All we see in the news is the negative side of this war on terrorism, but I know that the majority of Americans are standing behind what we do. Your organization represents that majority and your assistance brightens the Soldier's spirit, no matter where they are."
LTC Jonathan Spencer, Inspector General

Brian (left) and his Platoon Sergeant with the first of the AnySoldier packages, October 2003.

"In this operation, there are very many things to be thankful for. However, one of the greatest items of thanks is the support that everyone that logs onto the site, displays.... It is a site that families, friends, loved ones and supporters can log onto and find themselves lost in the many stories of hope and motivation that is delivered on a daily basis.... There are stories of despair that has turned into relief.... Loss turns into gains.... Grief turns into memories of loved ones past and present.... A site that we ALL can breath a sigh of relief and take a moment to wipe our worries away for just a second as we log on to check of each other.... From the click of a button, we can rest assured a certain special someone is safe and sound... For that we are all thankful... A special thanks goes out from all the soldiers here with me and is directed to the staff that run the ANY site... You all make us proud to wake each day and fight the ever changing enemy..."
CW3 Charles R. Burkett, Army, Afghanistan

Any Soldier® in the News 2007:

Click HERE to see just a sampling of the major news coverage done on Any Soldier®
Our thanks to the many of you who talk about Any Soldier in your blogs! Some HERE.

  • Click here for December 2007 News
  • Click here for November 2007 News
  • Click here for October 2007 News
  • Click here for September 2007 News
  • Click here for August 2007 News
  • Click here for July 2007 News
  • Click here for June 2007 News
  • Click here for May 2007 News
  • Click here for April 2007 News
  • Click here for March 2007 News
  • Click here for February 2007 News
  • Click here for January 2007 News

    (original links may not work)

  • (News from 2006, 2005, and 2004-2003.)

    Click HERE for awards given to Any Soldier Inc.

    Great Events and Efforts 2007:

    12 November: We are honored to be part of the Land of the Free Foundation
    which raised a huge donation for Any Soldier Inc and other great organizations!
    Land of the Free Foundation
    Pictures of the event are HERE.

    "Oceanside Harbor Days"
    Sept. 15th & 16th
    The California Support Team of Irene, Vanessa, Sandy, Candy, Kathy, Judy, Gail, Linda, Laura & Barbara had a very successful show getting AnyMarine contact cards into the hands of a few hundred Harbor Day attendees. Many said they had been looking for a way to support the troops & the team was proud to show them the way! The highlights of the two day event were the visits from Marines to the booth to express what the program meant to them while they were deployed. Handshakes & hugs were exchanged along with tears. On Sunday, a table was set up to write messages to the troops and over a hundred were collected. One female Marine reminded us that there are women overseas that still like to be girly, so the nice smelling shampoos & lotions are a godsend. Another Marine who was in-charge of a unit told us that some families who have family members deployed, may not want to worry about their loved one & in coping, some send a lot of mail and others don't send anything. And this is where he was so thankful for Any Marine®. He became a contact & was able to pass our letters & packages to those who didn't receive a thing! Keep up the good work Support Junkies - You are making a difference.

    September 5-7, 2007:
    AARP invites Any Soldier® to attend their Life@50+ Convention

    Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Boston, Massachusetts
    Marty and Brian Horn talking to the folks at the booth.
    Bird's-eye view of the convention.

    Raytheon Company presents check to Any Soldier®
    September 6, 2007
    Raytheon presents a BIG $10,000 check to Any Soldier Inc.
    Raytheon Company
    For the third year running, Raytheon Company has done a huge Troop Support and Care Package Operation, sending hundreds of care packages to contacts, and presented a check for $10,000 to Any Soldier Inc.
    Brian Horn presents Dan Ryan a picture of himself with a Raytheon-built weapon in Iraq.

    July 26, 2007:
    "This past Thursday night, Thomas successfully completed his Board of Review and is now offically an Eagle Scout. One of his contacts in Iraq, SgtMaj Burnett had a flag flown over COP Rawah for him and he had it with him at his Board of Review. This has been so much more than an Eagle project for Thomas. It has been quite an experience for our entire family. Thomas plans on doing another collection drive this fall (on a smaller scale) to send items during the holidays.

    Thanks again,
    Bob and Paula Cullinan"
    (Thomas used as a guide for his Eagle Project. -marty)

    July 13, 14, and 15, 2007:
    "Our scout troop won first place for decorated car at the Operation:Quiet Comfort Meet and Greet. We drove 345 miles with the car decorated as the picture attached shows. Note the AnySoldier address, it was on both sides and we got a fair number of waves, thumbs up, and honks as we drove from Michigan, through Ohio, to the middle of Pennsylvania. We helped pack 323 'go bags' for the injured troops.

    Best wishes,
    -- Diane"

    28 June 2007:

    Operation Care Package held in NYC was a huge success. The event was held in a magnificent club, a lot of folks attended and the bidding was great!

    Pictures HERE.

    June 28, 2007: We have been awaiting the announcement that William is officially an Eagle Scout, and it just came in this week. William is the son of Scott and Martina Remington, Any Soldier® Support Team.

    His project was coordinating a care package drive with the help of his church youth group, the members of that parish, his Scout troop, and the local American Legion Auxiliary ladies. All together 30 (very full) boxes were sent to 10 AnySoldier, AnyAirman, AnySailor, and AnyMarine contacts in 8 different countries.

    William begins basic training at the Air Force Academy today. He joins his oldest brother, Marcus, already at the academy. He has another brother in the Marine Corps.

    Click for pictures
    First Annual Any Soldier® Motorcycle Ride
    June 23, 2007
    The event in Missouri was GREAT! OK, just a wee bit wet, but 200 bikes showed that this was gonna be fun! Pictures are HERE.

    Marriott International hosts Any Soldier Inc. at it's Travel Partners Conference
    May 24, 2007
    Marty speaking at the TPC
    Marriott International gave it's Travel Partners Conference attendees the opportunity to support the troops by doing a complete care package operation.
    The conference was held at the beautiful Newport Beach, CA hotel.
    Filling care packages

    "Heartbeat Classic Chevy Car Show"
    April 29, 2007
    "Any Marine® & Any Soldier® attended the Heartbeat Classic Chevy Car Show In Valley Center, California to promote the website and to create new supporters for our deployed heroes.
    Supporters, Irene, Aaron, Judy, Tom, Candy and Hunter met and talked with car show attendees about the program and passed out shipping supplies to "jump start" new junkies!
    A few remarkable moments was when a group of injured Marines who were special guests of the show, came over and thanked us (!) for the program. Also, another Marine thanked us for the program because he didn't have family to send him anything when he was deployed, but it felt "so good" coming back from a long patrol and finding a package on his cot. A Vietnam Veteran also was appreciative of the support for today's service members. Thank you fellow support junkies for touching the lives of many of our troops and showing that America does care!"

    Judy Doose

    "Battle of North and South DJs"
    April 27, 2007
    Pirates Cove, S.C.
    "The club is called Pirates Cove and this was during a festival of shag dancers (North and South Carolina State Dance). The ages range from 21-80. The club manager is John Powell (his dad owns the place). He just got out of the Navy and was stationed on a Fast Frigate that sent missiles into Iraq during the early days. The club is mainly for young people except for two weeks out of the year (that’s when old people like me dance and have a good time). It is less than a ½ block from the ocean. During the fund raiser I had a friend of mine from an upstate SC Guard Unit (Iraq Vet) show up in uniform. The tears flowed and the applause was thunderous. People hugged him and danced with him. I’ve never seen anyone dance the shag in combat boots. I saw people give money that I did not think had much or any money. We took complementary Jim Beam t-shirts and a watercolor artist from Charleston (Tug Mathisen) painted them with colored markers and we sold them for $120. A t-shirt with all the DJ names on it went for $225.00. One man dropped $300.00 in the name of the University of North Carolina and challenged those that pulled for Clemson or the University of South Carolina."
    "It was a North/South DJ battle but the line was between North and South Carolina. The friendly competitive spirit had filled the room and the support for our men and women in harms way was noticed audibly and visually (and financially). People said that was the most fun they ever had at the beach. I still can’t believe it. $6,366.70 from ordinary people, no corporate support just down home patriotic Americans (the kind you never hear about on the news). I am so thankful to have friends and acquaintances like this."

    Proud to be an American,
    Walter Upchurch

    "Send a Valentine to a Soldier" by Pitney Bowes
    February 8, 2007
    NYC, Grand Central Station in Vanderbilt Hall

    Consumers sent free Valentine's Day greetings to their loved ones and soldiers stationed overseas courtesy of Pitney Bowes and on Thursday, February 8, 2007.
    Desperate Housewives star Doug Savant was at Vanderbilt Hall in Grand Central Terminal in New York City from 7:30AM - 1:00PM, along with professional romance writers to help consumers craft the perfect message for Valentine's Day. Pictures HERE.
    Doug Savant on:
    Martha Stewart HERE.
    WJSU-Birmingham HERE.
    KUSI-San Diego HERE.
    KGTV-San Diego HERE.

    (Great Events from 2006, 2005 and 2004.)

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