We accept
or you can mail a
(We've had enough trouble with PayPal and will not accept payment from them. Sorry.)
Receipts are sent for all donations of $250 or more, or for any amount less if requested.
Donations are tax deductible, Any Soldier Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Mail your donation to:
Any Soldier Inc.
P.O. Box 715
Waldorf, MD 20604
(Please make payable to, "Any Soldier Inc")
(Do NOT send care packages, care package material, or letters to Any Soldier Inc!!)
Or you can make donations online with a credit card or check using this:
Want to do automatic monthly donations? Email Chrissy who will help you set this up.
Or Purchase a Gift Certificate!
Questions about Donations or Sales? Email us!

Any Soldier Inc. #11993 |
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
Anyone in the Federal Government and Military can contribute to Any Soldier Inc.
Our catalog number: #11993.
Please help spread the word on this.
Thank you, very much, for your support! |
The Independent Charities Seal of Excellence is awarded to the members of Independent Charities of America and Local Independent Charities of America that have, upon rigorous independent review, been able to certify, document, and demonstrate on an annual basis that they meet the highest standards of public accountability, program effectiveness, and cost effectiveness. These standards include those required by the US Government for inclusion in the Combined Federal Campaign, probably the most exclusive fund drive in the world. Of the 1,000,000 charities operating in the United States today, it is estimated that fewer than 50,000, or 5 percent, meet or exceed these standards, and, of those, fewer than 2,000 have been awarded this Seal.
Any Soldier Inc. is proud to be one of them! |
(CFC Handout HERE) (Set printer margins to .25" all around and remove browser header and footer.)
Please note that we are also approved for IBM ECCC, listed under the state of Maryland, with IBM agency code: 0N683. (That's a leading zero, not an Oscar).
Want to make a donation in honor of someone else? |
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If you would like to make a donation of $1,000.00 or above in honor of someone, or simply as a gift, please use the "Comments" section when you make a donation online and tell us what you want us to do. We will send a card (like the above) to the person you designate. Please be sure to include their name and address and the amount of the donation (optional) and if you want your name (optional) on the card.
Sorry, you can not 'designate' how to use your donation (it is against the law.) |
Any Soldier Inc. WILL NEVER collect, sell or trade credit card data.
You will NOT be put on an email list, get newsletters, anything without your permission.
We respect your privacy.
Return Policy: If you want a refund, you will get a refund as quickly as is possible.
If you purchased something, when it is returned in new condition you will be refunded 100%.
(Click HERE to return to top of page)
Shop online at Amazon.com HERE.
(Using this link a percentage of your sales come to us.) |

You can donate any vehicle and help not only Any Soldier Inc. but also get a tax break for yourself!
Benefits of donating:
FAST - next day pick-up appointments if called-in by 2pm
FREE - we'll pick-up your donation at no charge to you
CONVENIENT - we'll pick-up your car from wherever it is (home, work, auto shop)
TAX DEDUCTIBLE - your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law
SAVE TIME - save yourself the time and hassle of trying to sell it
FEEL GREAT - knowing that your car will help further our mission
We work with a reputable car donation processor, Car Program, who will make all the arrangements at no cost to you. They handle the title transfer requirements and will provide you with a tax deductible donation receipt when they pick-up your car.
Need more information? Click HERE to donate your car and a helpful representative will call you shortly or you may call our car donation program 24/7 at 1-800-240-0160.
HOT!!! Developed by Any Soldier ® supporters at MIT in cooperation with Yahoo! ®, we present the Any Soldier ® Toolbar!
This toolbar runs on your browser, is completely free, and everytime you use the search bar on it Any Soldier ® gets a few cents. Learn more about it and get it now, FREE, HERE.

AND...Any Soldier Inc. has partnered with CharitableHotels.org, the first non-profit online travel agency (OTA) in the country. CharitableHotels.org offers travelers the same hotels and the same rates as other OTA's like Expedia and Hotels.com but instead of keeping the commission, they donate it, less their costs, to the charity of the traveler's choice. Although most travelers now book their own hotel online, the hotel still pays a sizable commission to the OTA. Charitable Hotels is changing the game by doing something good with that commission - giving it to a good cause - instead of growing their bottom line. And now Any Soldier Inc., as a Partner Charity, is eligible to receive the donation.
Simply enter "any soldier" in the "Who do you support?" box and then select "Any Soldier - AnySoldier (Waldorf, MD)", then click on any of the many shops associated who will donate a portion of sales to Any Soldier Inc. |
Here are a few example stores: |
| JustGive.org celebrates 10 years of online charitable giving! We're honored to partner with Any Soldier Inc. on this journey: Giving hope and help to many in need. |
(Click HERE to return to top of page)